all children deserve

a family

Cost per child per month = €35. Donate €1 – €2 per month and tell a friend.

about donations


It is a natural instinct for us to take care of our family. What if everyone is our family?

Our Dream

We do exactly what any family does for their children, except we have 34 of them. This includes love, encouragement, comfort, safety, clothing, food, books, schooling, nutrition, fun activities, storytelling, school uniforms, planning their future, grooming, vacation, sports, fun, etc., etc.

  • Imagine if we can involve hundreds of thousands of people around the world to join our Global Family and embrace our project of taking care of children in Tanzania, just what we are doing with George.
  • Imagine if we could clone George so we have a huge team of people like him for several homes for the children all over the country.
  • Imagine that we are able to raise enough interest around the world to take care of 5,000 children in Tanzania, ending the problem of struggling children.
  • Imagine that we were successful and other organisations simply copied us.
  • If we can think it, we can do it.


The children feel safe and loved. I asked Jorge to not call them orphans anymore. They now have a father and family, all of us. We should organise English classes for them. Anyone interested?

The Children Introduce Anita to the Bishop

When George returned from Dodoma in March 2024, he discovered that the children, who attend church every Sunday, saw the Bishop and introduced him to Anita.


We need a bus and a car. These are screen shots on zoom. Now I know why I was a fashion photographer ... soon you will see the difference.

To See a Video of the Land

Coming Soon: The Sory of BB1 and BB2

One Good Deed

...deserves another. Grateful that George welcomed their grandchildren into our family, they donated their only posessions to us, 9 acres of land.

Father George

Guys wherever you are, step up and do your part. George is doing the hard work. Donate a couple dollars and tell your friends to do the same.

If you want to help us in any other way feel free to discuss it with us.

Meet the children every Saturday at 15:30 Rome time!

Angels Among Us

In the tapestry of humanity, angels grace our midst, their benevolent deeds weaving threads of compassion into the fabric of existence. Meet Father George, the guardian in Dar es Salaam, tenderly nurturing 33 children with unwavering devotion. Journey to Kenya and encounter Louise, the Founder of Maisha Marefu, a beacon of hope from the South of France, her organization supports 188 children while her humanitarian endeavours are illuminating lives in need.  Last night I had a technicolor dream, where I danced amidst a jubilant festival at UCLA’s Campus, stirring a desire to reconnect with Lisa Gourdine, a cherished friend from my UCLA school days whose heart radiates warmth and empathy. In this journey inspired by George’s selflessness, the Tanzanian government’s moral support stands as a pillar of strength, uplifting our spirits as we strive to make a difference. Now, we extend an earnest invitation to my former UCLA comrades, beckoning them to join our Global Family, united in our mission to nurture and protect our children with boundless love and care.

Louise the founder of Maisha Marefu

We recently received a donation of 9 acres in Dodoma, Tanzania and we will start our organic farming project there. Louise has agreed to lend us some of her knowledge and I have already spoken to a friend of mine from Guinea Conakry who is an Agricultural Engineer.

Food is Important

Our intention is to eventually grow all the food the children need and sell the surplus to hotels in Tanzania.


click above for Louise's website

Check out Lousie's shoes

Now if she is not the coolest farmer alive. Farming with Style and with love.

Look at Those Smiles

They are happy and confident because they are give unconditional love, healthy food, clean clothes, schooling, encouragement and Father George, who they call, "OUR HERO."

The Children Welcome Anita

Wearing a big smile and a pale blue dress, Anita is the latest family member.

9 Acres Donated By Grandparents of BB1 and BB2

George was summoned to Dodoma Village by the Grandparents of BB1 and BB2. They told George the boys do not have parents and we are old now. We want to donate our 9 acres of land to you. The paperwork is being done now and this is where our first of many farms will be.

If you want to help us in any other way feel free to discuss it with us.

Meet the children every Saturday at 15:30 Rome time!

“It was Jorge's birthday on December 23rd., but he left Dar es Salaam on a bus to go to Dodoma Village to speak to the head of the Village Chief Mihujo Joseph. After the Chief was satisfied with George, he was introduced to the children's grandparents who were the boy's only guardians since their parents were both dead. Since the grandparents were not able to take care of the boys, George was allowed to bring the two brothers we call BB1 (Bus Boy 1) and BB2 (Bus Boy 2) to the home in Dar es Salaam. We could not celebrate his birthday because the internet connection on his 20 hour bus trip was bad.”

When Jorge returned from his trip, someone had dropped off the
triplets so in one week he had 5 new children.


We are a global family

We do not want big donations. We want a small monthly donation €1 – €2 per month from you and one of your friends. Taking care of our children will not be a burden to anyone if we all give up one or two coffees per month.


Life is Not Fair

When I first met Jorge three years ago, he was taking care of three children in his home. After the passing of his mother in December 2023, the number has grown to 32. We do not want to find families for these children in Europe or America or the Emirates, we will take care of them ourselves in Africa, right there in Tanzania. After living in many countries and travelling to 31 countries to date, the best place for our African children is right where they are in Africa.

No one asked Jorge to do this, just like no one asked Mother Teresa to do what she did. Some people see a need and fill it. It is really that simple. Big donations are not sustainable, so please do not donate large amounts of money. We prefer that you invest time in telling others what we are doing so they too become small donors. It is safer to have 100,000 people giving €1 a year, than one person giving €100,000. So give €1 per month and ask that one friend that cannot say no to you, to also gives €1 a month. That is less than the price of one Espresso.

Our fixed cost per child is €35 per month. We need a bus and a large car as it is not convenient tot move around on public transportation with so many children. Donations will come into Ron's USA Company's Paypal account, All Access World, LLC and be transferred to Jorge's Virtual PayPal Account. He expects it to be connected to his bank account in Tanzania during the first week of January.

Any of you can audit our accounts anytime you want to. I am now converting the meetup into a cash generator, not from our members but from corporate clients as well as other activities. We cannot wait for governments or institutions to do what needs to be done so lets give Jorge and the children a hand.

The Reality For Children Like Ours Who Did Not Meet Father George

Being a street child in Tanzania: ‘The police chase and beat us — there’s nothing good about this life’

Over 120 million children around the world are homeless, and 30 million are in Africa. Thousands are in this African country. It’s difficult to establish how many children live on the street in Tanzania. In 2021, the government conducted a study in the country’s six main population centers and counted at least 5,732 homeless children (4,583 boys and 1,149 girls).

We are helping George provide a home for 33 of these 5,732 children. Using the 2021 numbers George is taking care of 0.558% of these needy children in his country, Tanzania. Our goal is to take care of all 5,732 of them.

Land Donated BB1,BB2

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